The Power of Defining the Problem

We live in an era where rapid solutions are celebrated. The quicker we solve a problem, the more productive we appear. But what if, in our rush to get to a resolution, we’re missing the mark entirely? Albert Einstein’s timeless quote, “If I were given one hour to save the planet, I would spend 59 minutes defining the problem and one minute resolving it”, resonates deeply in today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world.

"If I were given one hour to save the planet, I would spend 59 minutes defining the problem and one minute resolving it."

— Albert Einstein

In my role, both as a software engineer and technical leader, I’ve witnessed firsthand the tendency to dive into problem-solving without fully grasping the problem itself. We chase after solutions, applying our experience and tools without considering if we’re aiming at the right target. This often leads to wasted effort, frustration, and missed opportunities.

When we talk about defining the problem, it’s more than just identifying the obvious. It’s about understanding the underlying layers - the root cause, the impact on the business, the user, and the broader system. It requires patience, curiosity, and a willingness to challenge assumptions. In my experience, it’s this depth of understanding that separates good engineers from great ones.

First Principles: The Foundation of Solutions

Once the problem is clearly defined, the next step is to solve it from first principles. This concept, which comes from physics, suggests that we break down complex problems into their most basic elements. By starting from these foundational truths, we avoid relying on assumptions or existing models that might not apply.

In the context of software engineering, solving from first principles forces us to rethink how we approach technical challenges. Are we building on outdated architectures or practices simply because “that’s how it’s always been done”? Are we making design choices based on constraints that no longer exist?

When I coach teams, I often find that revisiting first principles can be a powerful way to unlock innovation. It frees engineers from the burden of legacy thinking and opens up new pathways to more efficient, elegant solutions.

But What About the Gaps?

When we break things down to their most elemental parts, we gain clarity on each piece of the puzzle. But there’s a danger here too - focusing only on the parts risks missing the important bits in between: the interactions.

It’s like trying to understand a car by focusing on each part separately. Sure, the engine, wheels, and brakes all have their functions, but it’s the way they all interact that makes the car drive smoothly. And this is where systems thinking comes in.

Systems thinking reminds us, as Russell Ackoff so aptly put it, that a system is more than the sum of its parts; it’s the product of their interactions. In a previous post, I explored Ackoff’s philosophy and the difference between analysis and synthesis - if you’re curious to explore that side of the conversation, feel free to check it out here.

A system is never the sum of its parts; it’s the product of their interaction.

— Russell Ackoff

Whether we’re debugging a piece of software or optimising a process, we need to look at how each part interacts with the others - and how the system as a whole interacts with the larger environment it’s a part of. Only then can we fully understand what we’re working with.

So, What’s Next?

The journey to truly effective problem-solving is about discipline. Define the right problem to work on, then solve it from first principles - but don’t stop there. Remember to consider the interactions between the parts and the system’s place in the larger picture. It sounds simple, but it’s incredibly powerful when applied in practice.

In the world of software development, where speed and agility are prized, it’s tempting to jump to the solution. But if we pause - if we spend that crucial moment, as Einstein suggested, defining the problem thoroughly - we can ensure that our solutions are not only quick but also meaningful and lasting.

As technology continues to evolve, this approach will only become more crucial. The rise of AI, quantum computing, and other cutting-edge innovations will demand engineers who can not only execute quickly but also think deeply. That’s the kind of team I enjoy building and working with - one that thrives on curiosity, challenges assumptions, and delivers solutions that truly matter.